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1st Vintage Glider meeting at Enemonzo.

At Enemonzo in Carnia, from the 17th to 25th June 2016 was held the 1st International Vintage Glider Meeting at the CVNE (Centro Volo Nord Est ) at Enemonzo, The meeting, participated also by pilots coming fron Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Denmark, was held with great success and satisfaction of the participants and organizers, supported also by a favourable Meteo.


01 - All ready to fly

02 - Camping arrangements

03 - L-Spatz of Markus towed by Super Dimona

04 - Luna k of Dietmar Poll

05 - Hangar at attendings' disposal

06 - Group picture

07 - Internazional evening

08 - CVNE Air field

09 - Ka7 Bernard Duvanel Vincenzo Pedrielli

10 - Alessio Bertocchi Ka6E

11 - Huetter28 flying

12 - Fly rest

13 - SHK-1 Danish Team

14 - SHK-1 Danish Team

15 - Bernard Duvanel Claudio Cavolla - Ka7 landing

16 - Olympia Meise landing


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