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Asiago 1924
International Gliding Competition in Italy

The book chronicles the daily happenings on the mountain slopes of Sisemol and Catz during the First International Gliding Competition, organized by the National Air League and sponsored by the newspaper "La Gazzetta dello Sport" .
On the same times it reports the comments of the German Pilots Arthur Martens and Fritz Papenmeyer, who were together with the university student of Pavia the true actors of the competition.
It makes a comparison of different opinions, based on different cultures and experiences. The Italians, for instance, tried for the first time the motor-less flight, while the German pilots had to their advantage already some years of this flying discipline. In addition, the Germans gliders were technically much more advanced and had already participated in other gliding competitions at the Rhön.

A true live chronicle, where have emerged curious anecdotes, such as the gliders sent via railway by the German pilots and held hostage by the customs in Verona and also the story of the mule "Matricola", tethered near the Condor that after consuming his ration of hay, began gnawing the wing-tip of the glider. This and many other stories have emerged, making the development of the first international gliding competition in Asiago most enjoyable and interesting reading.
All this is the result of meticulous research carried out by the author, who in his book "Asiago, International Gliding Competition in Italy", in addition to describing in detail each day of the competition, has enriched the book with 90 vintage photos and drawings of gliders masterfully executed by Vincent Cockett and watercolors designed by Werner Meyer. A funny and interesting reading. A book not to be missed!

The book is published by EQIP in a precious volume of 144 pages in color, 220x300mm, hard cover.


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  Other book: Italian Vintage Sailplanes

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