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Asiago - International gliding meeting September 2024.

Asiago, October 1924 exactly a century ago!
It was impossible not to remember such an important historical event when in Italy a plane without engin took flight for the first time in the sky of Asiago. An event shared with some famous German pilots already expert in this new flying practice.
What more significant way to commemorate the birth of Gliding in Italy than to organize a gathering of vintage gliders and fly in the same sky where 100 years earlier the first Italian gliders had taken flight on mount Sisemol: the Goliardia, the Febo Pagliarini and the Condor. Our Pavesi students were joined by some famous German pilots led by the Father of Rhoen Oscar Ursinus. The first international flight competition is illustrated with unpublished photographs by Domenico Bonomo in my book: "Aiago the Birth of Gliding in Italy".
The vintage glider rally took place at the Romeo Sartori Airport in Asiago from 6 to 14 September 2024 with the participation of Italian, German and Swiss pilots representing the nations participating in the 1924 competition. The rally ended successfully and with the satisfaction of the participants, despite the weather not being generous during the event.



01 - Participants

02 - Take off Preparation

03 - Started

04 - Smooth Airtow

05 - War Mausoleum

06 - Asiago Airoport

07 - Asiago Airview

08 - Caproni CALIFA-21S

09 - On Flight Selfy


11- CAT 2B

12- ASK 13

13- ASK 13


15- Gliders Posing

16- Gli Attori del Raduno

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