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1st International Vintage Glider Meeting "Ugo Zannier"

The first International Vintage Glider Meeting "Ugo Zannier " took place in Rivoli di Osoppo from 5th to 13th June 2009.
Ugo Zannier, who won the gold medal for valour, fallen during the war in Spain. He was also a gliding pioneer and flew from mountain Cuarnan (1382m) for several hours with a self built sailplane named Friuli.
The meeting was held on the airfield of the Associazione Volovelistica di Rivoli di Osoppo (AVRO), which is situated in a very favourable geographic area which offers excellent gliding conditions.

01 - Ugo Zannier

02 - veleggiatore Friuli

03 - Ugo Zannier

04 - Zannier in volo

05 - AVRO sede

06 - AVRO sede

The airfield is located at the foot of the Pre-Alps Giulie, near the mount Cuarnan. With a short tow, the participants did enjoy the imposing scenery of Canin and Goglians massif, which is ideal for thermal lifts.
Pilots from Switzerland,Germany, France and Italy have attended to this first International Vintage Glider Meeting, some of them by driving over 12 hours with their sailplane into the trailer to reach the place.
Long journey, but it was worth while both for the unique flying conditions of Rivoli di Osoppo and also for the warm welcome and hospitality of the people of club AVRO.
Twelve were the sailplanes flying in this meeting, of which two two-seaters offered to many visitors the possibility of flying and admiring the beauty of the region.
The Meteo was not excellent and we could fly 4 days of the total 8 days of the meeting. Luckily the initiative of the people of Club AVRO provided interesting alternatives to flying, which satisfied all participants.

07 - Carrelli Alianti

08 - Intervento Ezio - OMS

09 - Kranich II Montaggio

10 - KA6 montaggio .

11 - KA6 Uwe Elena .

12 - KA6 montaggio .

13 - Alianti schierati

14 - traino Victor .


15 - KA6 Massimo.

16 - Kranich II Werner .

17 - Moswey III .

18 - Moswey III Fritz Elena


19 - Moswey III .

20 - Moswey III.

21 - ELFE S4A Lilly

22 - Huetter 28 Werner

The "Parco delle Dolomiti" offered in many cases the possibility to the pilots to fly together with griffons as gliding mates.
The presence of Griffons in that area is due to the restocking project of the Natural Reserve of the lake Cornino, project which is giving already great results, with a population of over 70 units.

23 - Huetter 28 Werner

24- KA6 Uwe . .

25 - A60 Fauconet Sylvie Pascal

26 - A60 Fauconet.

27 - KA6 Pier-Alain.

28 - Elena Francesco Vincenzo Valeria

29 - Kranich II Elena .


30 - Franco

31 - Werner e Pier .

32 - Kranich IIB Werner

33 - grifoni sul Tagliamento

34 - grifoni sul Tagliamento

35 - Gemona

36 - Venzone

37 - Molino

38 - Fiume Tagliamento

39 - In Volo

40 - grifoni sul Tagliamento

41 - grifone

42 - grifone

43 - Werner e Franco

44 - AVRO airfield e Ferriere Pittini

45 - Lago di Cavazzo

46 - monti Simeone e Chiampon

47 - pronti per nuovi voli

48 - Frecce Tricolori

49 - Frecce Tricolori

50 - Elena Werner Vincenzo

51 - Organizzatori

52 - cena

53 - cena

54 - cena

55 - fette di polenta

56 - cena

57 - Pier-Alain

58 - Francesco Vincenzo Pascal

59 - Ivan Francesco Bernard Vincenzo

60 - prosciuttificio

61 - prosciutti

62 - degustazione

63 - Mario Tonini

64 - cena di chiusura

65 - Ivan Francesco Vincenzo

A visit to the city of Udine; another to the Natural Reserve of the Lake Cornino; a visit to the National Aerobatics Team "Freccie Tricolori" and few other stops to some eno-gastronomic locations, allowed everybody to forget about the bad weather.
The meeting closed down with the dinner of Saturday 13th June and both participants and organisers were completely satisfied and started thinking about the next meetings.

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